Saturday, October 11, 2014

Response to “What will it take for iPads to Upend Teaching and Learning”

While reading this article I thought to myself it valued many great points. I thought to myself that yes technology and education could mix together. We have to start understanding that times are changing and technology is becoming bigger and bigger each and every day in in the classrooms. For example, textbooks are now available online and mostly every child today has either an iPad or and iPhone or some type of touch screen item. The world is changing and each generation is becoming more technologically advanced.
So my reaction to this article was surprising. I found it very interesting that some schools are now depending on only iPads for teaching their students. No more pen and paper. Everything they do is on the iPad. Now to me, I would not like that because to be honest I’m not the biggest fan of technology. I need to be able to have it right in front of my face on writing, not on a screen and same goes with writing also.
The part of this article I found interesting to me was the math class section. I thought it was neat how Doroquez uploads the day’s notes onto the education social networking site and then he’ll explain or review a skill by projecting the worksheet onto the whiteboard and then break students into groups to practice. His students can work out problems by being able to draw them out on their iPads and then they can turn their work into Doroquez through an app, which is called Notability. It’s just crazy to think how much you can really do with technology.
Overall, I enjoyed reading this article. It definitely opened up my mind to what is happening in classrooms with technology. Also, it’s crazy to think that by the time I become a teacher, technology in the classrooms will be changing once again.

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