Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Why Tweet Children's Learning?

This week I decided to change it up and follow someone new on their blog. Since I follow Vicki Davis on twitter, I decided to follow her on her personal blog as well. She blogged about a post she found on Twitter, tweeted by @BryanMMathers.     

So why tweet children’s learning?
Well first, this tweet says it all. There are several ways as to why we should tweet children’s learning.

  1. Provides a context and a purpose
  2. Instant recognition of great work
  3. It takes seconds to do
  4. One sentence and a picture shows the learning process
  5. Using a hashtag categorizes learning across school

Now I thought to myself about all these reasons and how interesting and actually true they are. I have never been a fan of twitter. I just never understood what the point of tweeting was and it just never grabbed my attention. But for purposes like this for example, Twitter is in fact a great tool. It’s a great tool for teachers to utilize and really take advantage of in their classrooms. Also, Twitter can serve as a great way for parents to be able to stay up to date on what their children are learning in the classroom. Twitter does have its pros and its cons, but overall, I believe Twitter is a great tool to use in a classroom setting.

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